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Adams Cemetery relies on the sales of graves and generous donations to help with
the general upkeep of the cemetery.
        Adams Cemetery donations can be mailed
to the address below:
Adams Cemetery Association
PO Box 209
Molalla, Oregon 97038

Are you interested in the care and upkeep of Adams Cemetery? 
Do you want to know how you can help?

Adams Cemetery Board loves to see how important this Cemetery is to the community and how many people have a vested interest in the condition, care and maintenance of the grounds.  Adams Cemetery is a nonprofit with a limited maintenance budget. The board is fiscally-minded and there is a high-level of focus on the limited, long-term budget and funding.  
Maintenance and mowing is contracted out, but with a tight budget, the extent of maintenance that can be afforded by the cemetery is limited.  This year and in past years, the road work, filling of potholes, pruning, spraying and other beautification tasks have been completed by the cemetery board who has volunteered their time to complete these tasks. 
The board feels like this is the perfect time to propose to the community the idea of creating an Adams Cemetery Volunteer Work Group or a Friends of Adams Cemetery Group.  Community engagement through volunteer involvement in the care of the cemetery would be welcomed. Please send an email to  if you’d like to be a volunteer for Adams Cemetery…and we accept donations via P.O. Box 209, Molalla, Oregon


Adams Cemetery Association Board is made up of volunteers.  The new board has been in place since July of 2018. Board meetings are held once a year or when the need arises. 

The Association will be holding an annual meeting for the general public to attend, the date, time and place will be posted on this website and also run in the Molalla Pioneer. There will only be one public meeting a year. 
The association is always looking for volunteers and if you are interested in volunteering with, trash clean up, weeding, etc. Please email

Adams Cemetery would like to thank the Donors and Volunteers

  • Steve from Westerberg Drilling for providing a water tank for Memorial Day flowers.
  • J.D. Peterkin Welding Co., Stace Banyard, donated time to remove an old cover of a wellhead that has not been in use for many years!  Thank you for the time and continued support of your family business in our Molalla community.
  • Adams Cemetery Association would like to send a sincere thank you to Betty Dicken Guild & her granddaughter Melissa Alberda for letting us use their book "Beyond the Gate at Adams Cemetery" for the history portion of our website. 
  • Adams Cemetery Association would like to send a thank you to Molalla Sanitary Services and Clinkscales for their ongoing services to Adams Cemetery.
  • Adams Cemetery Association would like to thank the generous donation that was given for the repairs to the Burghardt Gazebo.
  • Adams Cemetery Association would like to thank everyone who made a donation in honor of Barbara Sandgren.
  • Adams Cemetery Association would like to send everyone that made a donation to Adams Cemetery at" Celebrate Molalla Days" a sincere Thank you!
  • Adams Cemetery Association would like to thank everyone that made a donation in honor of Shirley Williams.
  • Adams Cemetery Association would like to thank Mr. R. Toll for his donation to Adams Cemetery.
  • Adams Cemetery Association would like to thank the Molalla Rotary Club for their donation to Adams Cemetery in honor of Thila Oblack.

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